Emma Bracher Occupational Therapy is based in Warwick and provides private occupational therapy services to people living in Warwickshire and the West Midlands.
Assessment is usually carried out within your own home, with treatment delivered within your home and local community.
What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?
'Occupation' refers to any activity that is meaningful and / or essential to a person's everyday functioning. This could be getting washed and dressed, cooking a meal, going to work or taking part in a leisure activity.
An Occupational Therapist will assess a person's difficulties and abilities, and use functional treatment approaches to increase participation, safety and independence in their day to day life. They may also recommend specific aids, equipment and / or environmental adaptations to further improve their function.
This service can help you if you:
want to regain your independence after an illness or accident
have a disease or condition that affects your everyday function
need advice on aids, adaptive equipment and /or home modifications
need advice on manual handling techniques
need advice on wheelchairs or specialist seating
are a case manager looking for an OT as part of your client's rehabilitation team
are waiting for a government funded service and want to receive OT in the meantime
you have Parkinson's or another neurological condition, and want to join a therapist-led exercise class.